Grace by Jasper Williams

Only the Lord knows how deep our faults are, and the subconscious or willful sins we commit. On this, grace kicks in, when repentance settles in our heart and leads us to change. Grace meets us where we are, but does not leave us where it finds us. It’s the space we need to make our wrongs right, and the insurance we need when we get into our proverbial accidents.
Grace by Jasper Williams

We don't deserve it...

I wouldn't dare say it was something we did to earn it. His mercy is renewed every morning, but His constant grace is given to us to correct our mistakes from yesterday and even today.

Only the Lord knows how deep our faults are, and the subconscious or willful sins we commit. On this, grace kicks in, when repentance settles in our heart and leads us to change.

Grace meets us where we are, but does not leave us where it finds us. It’s the space we need to make our wrongs right, and the insurance we need when we get into our proverbial accidents.

Not to be abused, nor to be taken for granted, but it is for everyone to receive no matter who you are or what you’ve done. It’s the help you need to get back up again.

His grace is sufficient.

His grace is is needed.

His grace is more than enough....

Where would we be, if not for the grace of God?

Be sure to follow Jasper on Instagram